Testimonial six

I have really enjoyed working with you over the years and appreciate your brilliant artistry and attention to detail.

We are always looking for the best craftspeople that compliment our handcrafted log homes. I am so pleased and honored to work with your exceptional designs in hand forged metal work. The best part has been that our clients have really loved your artistry as much as we have. Your iron work has been a wonderful feature within their homes.

The drawings you have created for me and my clients have been so very helpful in telling the story of what your final sculpture will be. Although your drawings and photography skills are excellent, the finish product has always surpassed our expectations.

The detail, texture and labor intensity of your work is well worth the price. Thank you so much for your beautiful artistry in forging metal work for us and our clients!

We look forward to using your lighting fixtures and hardware within our new “designer cabins”. These true cabins jewels will feature a few of our favorite artisans craftsmanship incorporated into cabins of 850 square feet. These designer cabins will incorporate the highest standards of log element and accented hybrid construction methods.

We also look forward to using your wrought iron work in our new show house opening the summer of 2005 called, “The Dancing Crow Design Center” which specializes in handcrafted construction design and drafting. I would love to see what type of creative, whimsical and innovative ideas you can come up with!


Testimonial five